Wednesday 14 November 2012

How to wash gold from a free website account?

Many people in this world, you may include the particular often interact with websites such as usually do not know how to wash the gold from your web account ...Well, now I will share ways that we can wash gold from our account with a free and reasonably efficient method for the try. way, we will become an advertiser of a site to be our provider.In this case, I will use advertising service provider named Adbrite.comThe first step we have to do is open the link
The first step we have to do is open the link www.adbrite.comThe second step, click Create AccountDo not forget to mark your account type box, select the advertiser or publisher.the charging column, enter your details correctly and in accordance with your official identity card valid in your country. 
Then mark the agreement and then click continueThere will be congratulations. then you can get the html code for advertising your blog by:1. Click the Manage Ad Zones tab and then click Set up a new ad zone.
2. On this page you can specify what kind of Man will be displayed. There are three options you can use.• Banner and / or text ads. Man is appearing in the form of images and text or just text saga. The author recommends to choose Banner and text ads, as the highest payout for this type of Man.• Full page ads. Man with a full page inserted between pages of content blog / site. You can set to display a Man after 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 page website / blog has been visited.• Inline ads. Ads inserted in the lock on the content of the blog li / si ¬ tus. In certain words, will appear when the mouse is directed Man. Jodi, ads obscured behind the words on the back of the text. This system will be paid during a click
Choose one of the advertising model you want to display, and then click the Next button: Set Ad Specs.Determine the size of the ad, on the Pick a size select the size you want to display. Specify the color of the title, text, edge lines, and background.Ad content on the page, select the type of ad that matches the blog / site, select one. Are all types of ads (except adults ads), or limited to a particular type of advertising. If you are still unsure, l select Include all available ads (but never adult ads). You can still change these settings at any time.Checkthe Auto-approve ads, which means you are giving the power to allow allkvpiida AdBrite Man's bid to enter the site / blog.3. The next section is set if there is no information AdBrite ads on your blog / site. If desired, you can substitute the words presented on the Headline and Text. If so, click Next: Describe Your Site.4. Now we enter the section Describe your site, the first part is the Site Info. Fill in the information on your site / blog that will be registered. Although AdBrite does not require the use of English, you should use English.• Name of your site: fill in the name of the blog / site.• Site URL: fill in the URL of your blog / site you are complete.• Description of site: the content at a glance information about the blog / site.• Name of ad zone: type the name of the part of the AdBrite advertising, arguably similar channel on Google Adsense
5. Set keywords (keywords), enter all the keywords that are relevant to the content of your blog / site. Instead, you fill in as much as possible in order to find the fish are easier AdBrite ads that match your blog / site. Set also categories and sub​​-categories that are relevant to your blog / site. If so, click the Next button: Set Pricing.6.Pada Pricing options, select No, especially for beginners who have never used AdBrite. If so, click the Next button: Get Ad Code HTML.
7.OK, it's time to take the HTML code to be inserted into the page blog / site. Blockall the HTML code (or press Ctrl + A) and copy (Ctrl + C. Go to our blog and then paste (Ctrl + V) the code on your blog layout arrangement.Authors hope you still remember how to insert HTML code in blogpage as described earlier psoting. For more details, read the article again Installing the Amazon ads into your site or blog on this site.Good luck ... ^_^Please leave your comment as a introspect ourselves

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